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Target Target Icon

Permanent references in an ephemeral web


A Target is an on-chain data structure that references a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). Each Target has a unique targetId computed from the URI string using keccak256 hashing.


Targets enable ETS to:

  • Create permanent on-chain references to any web resource
  • Support tagging of both on-chain and off-chain content
  • Track metadata about resources through enrichment
  • Enable composable tagging across different platforms and protocols


Targets are created and managed through the ETSTarget contract.

1. Validation Rules

  • Target URIs must not be empty strings
  • Each unique URI can only be registered once
  • URIs can be of any length and content format

2. Data Structure

struct Target {
    string targetURI;     // Original URI string
    address createdBy;    // Creator address
    uint256 enriched;     // Last enrichment timestamp
    uint256 httpStatus;   // HTTP status code
    string ipfsHash;      // IPFS hash if pinned

3. Computing Target IDs

bytes32 targetId = keccak256(bytes(_targetURI));
return uint256(targetId);
// input: ""
// output: 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639936

4. Creating a Target

  • Call getOrCreateTargetId() with a URI to get existing or create new Target
  • Call createTarget() directly to create a new Target (reverts if exists)
  • Target creation emits a TargetCreated event with the targetId

5. Accessing a Target

  • Compute Target ID by URI using computeTargetId()
  • Query Target by URI using getTargetByURI()
  • Query Target by ID using getTargetById()
  • Check existence using targetExistsByURI() or targetExistsById()

6. Enriching a Target

  • Call requestEnrichTarget() which emits a RequestEnrichTarget event
  • Off-chain service collects metadata and stores on IPFS
  • Target is updated on-chain with IPFS hash and HTTP status via fulfillEnrichTarget()