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Bridging your application and ETS core


A Relayer is the interface between applications and the ETS core.

Tagging Record CreationView Image


Relayers enable ETS to:

  • Provide a uniform, simple tagging interface for applications
  • Ensure protocol-compliant tag and tagging record creation
  • Ensure the application facilitating the tagging process is credited for its role
  • Extend ETS functionality without modifying ETS core


Relayers are deployed as upgradeable beacon proxies through the ETS governed ETSRelayerFactory.sol, pointing to ETSRelayerV1.sol. This pattern ensures all Relayers can be upgraded simultaneously while maintaining their unique state and configuration.

1. Creating a Relayer

  • Deployer must own at least one CTAG token
  • Relayer name must be unique and 2-32 characters
  • Only one Relayer allowed per owner address
  • Deployer becomes Relayer admin and owner

2. Core Functions

2.1. CTAG & Tagging Record Management

  • getOrCreateTagIds() - Create new or fetch existing CTAGs
  • applyTags() - Create or append to tagging records
  • replaceTags() - Overwrite tags in existing records
  • removeTags() - Remove tags from records

2.2. Raw Input Structure

struct TaggingRecordRawInput {
    string targetURI;     // URI to be tagged
    string[] tagStrings;  // Array of tag strings
    string recordType;    // Type of tagging record

This raw input structure allows applications to interact with ETS core using simple strings rather than pre-computed IDs. See IETS.TaggingRecordRawInput and SDK Core createTaggingRecord().

3. Tagging Fees

ETS charges a protocol-defined fee for each CTAG used in tagging operations. These fees incentivize tag creation, maintain protocol economics, and reward participants in the ETS ecosystem.

3.1 Fee Handling

The Relayer provides a helper function computeTaggingFee() that allows applications to calculate exact fees before transactions, preventing failures. This is especially important when handling multiple tags or complex operations like APPEND and REPLACE actions.

The fee calculation considers:

  • Number of new tags being added
  • Type of action being performed (new record, append, replace)
  • Current protocol-defined fee rate

This design ensures transparent, predictable fee handling while maintaining protocol economics. The Relayer's role in fee management is crucial for both proper protocol operation and good UX in applications using ETS.

// Direct contract interaction
function computeTaggingFee(
    IETS.TaggingRecordRawInput calldata _rawInput,
    IETS.TaggingAction _action
) external view returns (uint256 fee, uint256 tagCount);
// Using ETS SDK
const [fee, tagCount] = await relayer.computeTaggingFee(
        targetURI: "",
        tagStrings: ["#Example", "#Test"],
        recordType: "bookmark"
// Apply tags with computed fee
await relayer.applyTags([rawInput], { value: fee });

Future Extensions

The Relayer's upgradeable design makes it our primary focus for expanding ETS functionality. As detailed in our roadmap, planned extensions include:

  • Dynamic fee structures based on market conditions
  • Relayer-sponsored tagging fees for improved UX
  • Pluggable access controls for custom restrictions
  • Cross-chain tagging capabilities

These features will be implemented through Relayer upgrades, allowing applications to access new functionality without changes to ETS core contracts.