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CTAG Auction Auction Icon

Fair and limited distribution of tag namespaces


The ETS Auction is a continuous English-style auction mechanism for distributing CTAGs. A fixed number of CTAGs is always up for auction, and when each auction ends, a new one automatically begins. Each auction runs for a fixed duration but may be extended in the final moments by new bids.


The auction system enables ETS to:

  • Distribute CTAGs fairly to the community
  • Control the rate of CTAG distribution through max number of concurrent auctions
  • Establish market for CTAGs
  • Generate revenue for protocol participants
  • Prevent namespace squatting
  • Create an engaging community dynamic


Auctions are managed through the ETSAuctionHouse.sol contract. The design of the auction is inspired by the Nouns DAO auction.

Default Auction Settings

Max Concurrent AuctionsmaxAuctions3Number of simultaneous auctions
Durationduration24 hoursLength of each auction
Time BuffertimeBuffer15 minutesExtension period for late bids
Min Bid IncrementminBidIncrementPercentage5%Minimum increase over previous bid
Reserve PricereservePrice0.1 ETHMinimum first bid amount

Auction Structure

struct Auction {
    uint256 auctionId;        // Incremented auction number
    uint256 tokenId;          // CTAG being auctioned
    uint256 amount;           // Current highest bid
    uint256 startTime;        // Auction start time
    uint256 endTime;          // Scheduled end time
    uint256 reservePrice;     // Minimum first bid
    address payable bidder;   // Current highest bidder
    address payable auctioneer; // Defaults to ETS
    bool settled;             // Whether auction is settled


  • Auction begins with first bid
  • First bid must meet reserve price
  • Subsequent bids must increase by minimum percentage
  • Late bids extend auction by time buffer
  • Bids must be in native currency (ETH)

Note The auction extension mechanism ("time buffer") prevents last-second sniping by adding time when late bids are placed.

Settling an Auction

  • Auction must be ended to settle
  • Any address can settle auction
  • Winning bidder receives CTAG
  • Proceeds distributed to:
    • Platform treasury
    • Tag creator
    • Originating relayer

Auction Oracle

Tagging Record CreationView Image

The ETS Auction Oracle is an off-chain process that monitors the ETS Auction House and selects the next CTAG to be released for auction. The Oracle is responsible for:

  • Detecting RequestCreateAuction event, which is emitted when an auction is settled
  • Selecting CTAG with the highest use count (eg. used in most Tagging Records)
  • If CTAGS have the same use count, the oldest CTAG is selected
  • "Releasing" next CTAG for auction via on-chain transaction

Revenue Distribution Model

When an auction is settled, the proceeds are automatically distributed between three key participants:

ParticipantVariableDefault %Description
Tag CreatorcreatorPercentage40Rewarded to the original creator of the CTAG
RelayerrelayerPercentage30Rewarded to the relayer that supported the creation of the CTAG
Platform TreasuryplatformPercentage30Allocated to ETS protocol treasury

The distribution works as follows:

  1. The total auction amount is split according to the percentage allocations
  2. Each participant's share is tracked in an accrued balance
  3. Participants can withdraw their accrued balance at any time using the drawDown() function
  4. The system maintains a record of lifetime earnings through the paid mapping

This model incentivizes:

  • Tag creators to submit high-quality tags that get used frequently
  • Relayers to support tag and tagging record creation
  • Sustainable protocol revenue for ongoing development

The percentage splits are governed by the community and can be adjusted through the admin functions setProceedPercentages().