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CTAG namespace controllers


An Owner is the address that holds a CTAG after winning it through the ETS auction system or acquiring it through secondary markets. Owners have full control over their CTAGs and receive revenue from tagging fees.


Owners enable ETS to:

  • Create a sustainable market for tag namespaces
  • Generate ongoing revenue from tag usage
  • Incentivize long-term protocol engagement
  • Maintain active tag stewardship
  • Drive protocol value through tag utility


Owners participate in the protocol through CTAG acquisition and management.

1. Acquisition Methods

  • Win CTAG through ETS auction system
  • Purchase from secondary markets
  • Receive through direct transfer
  • Hold until term expiration

2. Revenue Streams

Owners earn revenue through tagging fees:

  • 50% of all tagging fees for owned CTAGs
  • Fees collected per tag usage in Tagging Records
  • Fees held in ETS core accrual account
  • Available for withdrawal via drawDown()
  • Revenue continues until term expiration

3. Ownership Rights

struct Tag {
    address relayer;      // Original relayer address
    address creator;      // Original creator address
    string display;       // Tag string representation
    bool premium;         // Premium flag (deprecated)
    bool reserved;        // Reserved flag (deprecated)

4. Revenue Distribution

Revenue SourceOwner ShareWhen Received
Tagging Fees50%Per usage
Resale100%Upon sale

5. Term Management

Ownership terms are managed through the ETSToken contract, creating a renewable ownership model that ensures active stewardship of CTAGs.

  • Terms defined by ownershipTermLength protocol parameter
  • Any address can renew a tag via renewTag()
  • Term clock starts at transfer or last renewal timestamp
  • Expired tags can be recycled by any address via recycleTag()
  • Recycling transfers tag back to platform address
  • Platform-held tags have no active term clock
  • Term expiry checked via tagOwnershipTermExpired()
  • Recycled tags become available for new auctions