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A Typescript package providing Solidity contracts, plus utilities, constants and configurations for building applications on the Ethereum Tag Service (ETS) protocol.


npm install @ethereum-tag-service/contracts

Implementing a Relayer

The IETSRelayer interface provides core tagging functionality:

pragma solidity ^0.8.10;
import {IETSRelayer} from "@ethereum-tag-service/contracts/relayers/interfaces/IETSRelayer.sol";
contract MyRelayer is IETSRelayer {
    // Implement required interface methods

Key Relayer capabilities:

  • Apply, replace, and remove tags in tagging record
  • Create new tags
  • Compute tagging fees
  • Ownership and pause controls

Usage Example

This implementation allows your contract to leverage an existing Relayer's functionality to apply tags through the ETS protocol. The msg.value is forwarded to cover any tagging fees.

pragma solidity ^0.8.10;
import {IETSRelayer} from "@ethereum-tag-service/contracts/relayers/interfaces/IETSRelayer.sol";
import {IETS} from "@ethereum-tag-service/contracts/interfaces/IETS.sol";
contract MyContract {
    // Initialize with specific deployed relayer address
    IETSRelayer public relayer = IETSRelayer(0xd2499cf4a47a959217efeacefb7edbd524661f59);
    // Or set via constructor
    constructor(address _relayerAddress) {
        relayer = IETSRelayer(_relayerAddress);
    function applyTags(IETS.TaggingRecordRawInput[] calldata _rawInput) external payable {
        // Forward the tagging request to the relayer
        relayer.applyTags{value: msg.value}(_rawInput);