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Getting started

Build ETS-enabled React apps with minimal boilerplate.


The ETS SDK React Hooks library requires both @ethereum-tag-service/sdk-core and viem as peer dependencies, meaning you'll need to have them installed in your project.

If you're starting a new project:

npm install @ethereum-tag-service/sdk-react-hooks @ethereum-tag-service/sdk-core viem

If your project already includes @ethereum-tag-service/sdk-core and viem:

npm install @ethereum-tag-service/sdk-react-hooks


The library provides the following hooks, one for each sdk-core client:

  • useTokenClient
  • useRelayerClient
  • useAuctionHouseClient
  • useAccessControlsClient
  • useRelayerFactoryClient
  • useTargetClient
  • useEnrichTargetClient
  • useEtsClient
  • useCoreClient


To initialize a hook you must provide:

  • chainId: The network identifier (e.g. 421614 for Arbitrum Sepolia)
  • account: A hex address from your connected wallet
import { useTokenClient } from '@ethereum-tag-service/sdk-react-hooks'
const { tagExists } = useTokenClient({
  chainId: 421614, // Arbitrum Sepolia 
  account: '0x...' // From your wallet connector 

Note: useRelayerClient additionally requires a relayerAddress parameter.

import { useRelayerClient } from '@ethereum-tag-service/sdk-react-hooks'
const { applyTags } = useRelayerClient({
  chainId: 421614,
  relayerAddress: '0x...', 
  account: '0x...'

Learn more about relayers.


Once you've initialized a hook, you can destructure any of its built-in methods to interact with the ETS smart contracts.

Simple read example

Each hook provides access to its client's complete set of methods. Here's how you might use the Token client in a React component:

import React from 'react';
import { useTokenClient } from '@ethereum-tag-service/sdk-react-hooks'
function TagExplorer() {
  const { existingTags, tagExists, computeTagId } = useTokenClient({
    chainId: 421614,
    account: "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
  const checkTags = async () => {
    // Check multiple tags at once
    const tagsToCheck = ["#rainbow", "#ethereum"]
    const existing = await existingTags(tagsToCheck)
    console.log("Existing tags:", existing)
    // Check a single tag
    const hasTag = await tagExists("#rainbow")
    console.log("Has #rainbow tag:", hasTag)
    // Get the numeric ID for a tag
    const tagId = await computeTagId("#rainbow")
    console.log("Tag ID:", tagId)
  return (
    <button onClick={checkTags}>Check Tags</button>

Simple create tagging record

import React from 'react'
import { useRelayerClient } from '@ethereum-tag-service/sdk-react-hooks'
function TagCreator() {
  const { createTaggingRecord } = useRelayerClient({
    chainId: 421614,
    relayerAddress: "0xa01c9cb373c5e29934b92e5afa6a78e3d590340b",
    account: '0x...' // From your wallet connector
  const createRecord = async () => {
    const tags = ["#rainbow", "#unicorn", "#og", "#uniswap"]
    const targetUrl = ""
    const recordType = "Demo"
    const recordId = await createTaggingRecord(tags, targetUrl, recordType)
    console.log("Created record:", recordId)
  return (
    <button onClick={createRecord}>Create Tagging Record</button>